IBAN: GB45ABBY09012926763309
SORT CODE: 09-01-29
ACC: 26763309
Bitcoin: bc1q42fsvylspq28wvg5qjqevejvmnet8r458v05s6
Bill Gates left Microsoft to head GAVI for the WEF: and distribute vaccines.
The Clinton White House prioritised nanotechnology [to put into those 2020 vaccines].
The UN announced its Replacement Migration “solution”.
Microsoft applied for a patent to transmit power & data via the human body [accepted on a 6-6-6 date].
EU research paper: “Methane production by ruminants: its contribution to global warming.”
The US govt secretly colluded with Pharma and the WHO to cover up the dangers of vaccination.
War criminal Tony Bliar passed his Terrorism Act 2000, which will later be used to harass truth-telling journalists.
Kamala Harris quit her job in San Fran [but not without causing a drama].
Dick Cheney strenuously denied allegations that he had a big one [that picture was everywhere].
There was a “plane crash at the Pentagon” simulation and Blackstone bought the debt on the WTC [preparing for 9/11].
In the UK popstar Jonathan King denied [more] charges of paedophilia. [We had not yet heard about his friend Jimmy Savile.]
Michael Jackson wrote an essay on his childhood for Rabbi Shmuley [who in 2024 will try to harass Candace Owens].